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Why Should Aviation Professionals Be Aptly Trained in Resource Management?

The aviation industry essentially encompasses every element of air travel and is one of the rapidly growing sectors worldwide. The aviation industry is important for economic growth, job creation, and to back international travel and tourism. However, for the aviation industry to bear desired results, it is vital to give undivided attention to resource management.

30-second summary:

  • Resource Management plays a central role in boosting flight safety and customer satisfaction.
  • It helps in optimum allocation of tasks, ultimately leaving no room for duplication or errors.
  • With resource management in place, better communication can be ensured, which further helps in spot-on decision making within the pre-set comprehensive framework.

Statistics suggest that the revenue of the global aviation sector grew at a compounded yearly growth rate of 5.30% between 2009 and 2019. Air travel is significant globally because it is one of the fastest transportation networks. Having said that, the aviation sector not only needs skilled resources to handle the responsibilities but also requires efficient management of these resources as well.

What is resource management?

Resources are inputs, which need to be utilized to perform a certain task satisfactorily. Resource Management revolves around planning, scheduling, and allocating these inputs across different activities to maximize efficiency.

At Avlon Shiksha Niketan, which is one of the best aviation institutes in Kolkata, we educate our students about the three categories of aviation resources, namely physical, human, and intangible resources. We talk about doing more with less without compromising on the safety and security parameters. Thus, our students are well trained before professionally stepping into the aviation industry.

Why do aviation professionals require resource management training?

Helps deal with unforeseen gaps:

The aviation industry is very unpredictable. Something as basic as the prevalent weather conditions can disturb smooth flight operations. Amidst this, it is quite possible for unforeseen gaps to show up.

However, when an aviation professional is provided with resource management training, there are bright chances that the professional can effectively deal with the gaps with the available resources without engaging in any sort of misallocation or double allocation. 

Improves airline competitiveness:

When an air carrier can provide satisfactory service levels at reasonable costs, there are better chances for the airline in question to enjoy a competitive edge over its rivals. This, in turn, is likely to reflect in the form of increased footfalls and ultimately improved bottom lines.

An aviation professional has a major role to play in the area of service, which is something we repeatedly underline at Avlon Shiksha Niketan. We urge our students to place their interests secondary to that of the airline they would be working with, and to try and perform consistently in terms of customer service.

Contributes towards overall transparency:

Resource management comes equipped with multi-faceted factors such as getting a count of the available resources, prioritizing tasks, allocating resources, and scaling up performance with the resources at hand. The working is no different in the case of aviation.

By following the above protocol, visibility improves, so does cross-functional transparency. This, in turn, ensures a free and concrete flow of information across vertical and horizontal channels. Ultimately, all the resources can work coherently, which then helps the airline to create a mark for itself in the industry.

Bridges the gap between utilization and efficiency:

Resource management in the case of the aviation industry has a lot to do with the utilization of resources and ultimately measuring the efficiency levels that these resources bring to the table.

By viewing resource management as a concept that can make or break an airline carrier and by applying its principles to the daily functioning of the airline, the gap between utilization and efficiency can be bridged.

These are not only limited to technical resources but also touch upon crew resource management, which emphasizes improved cognitive skills, ability to communicate, teamwork, and situational awareness. This is important to fly safely and avoid any untoward circumstances. At Avlon Shiksha Niketan, a renowned aviation institute in Kolkata, these skills and attitudes are sown in students all through their academic journey with the institute.

Minimize costs:

By following a model that places resource management on a pedestal, air carriers can minimize costs. Additionally, they can predetermine scarce resources and ultimately use them with thought and precision.

Since this is done, airlines do not have to bother about keeping aside additional funds to raise such limited resources. Moreover, contingency funds need not be touched frequently as resource management ensures that the carrier can better deal with and manage incidents that otherwise require heavy financial resources to set the situation right.

Facts state that labor accounts for about 32.3% of an airline’s operating costs, followed by fuel, which takes about 17.7%. To avoid these costs from shooting up further or surpassing the pre-set budget, resource management becomes useful.

Role of resource management amid the ongoing pandemic

No denying, the coronavirus pandemic had hit the aviation industry really badly. For instance, in 2021, the number of passengers who boarded airlines globally was slightly over 2.2 billion heads. These figures are alarming because the global passenger air traffic in 2021 was only 50% of the 2019 numbers.

This makes it clear that air carriers must have suffered in terms of revenues, which would have impacted their maintenance, diversification, growth, improved service levels, and of course, making available cost-effective travel plans.

But this is where resource management came to the rescue. Airlines, which were able to fly without compromising on passenger safety and service, had done one thing right. They had diverted uncompromised efforts towards optimum resource utilization, which in turn helped them to keep their base strong even when their capacities had dropped and the future seemed uncertain.

Final thoughts

Resource management is critical to the success of businesses in the aviation industry. And this is exactly why aviation professionals need to be trained well.

As one of the leading aviation institutes in Kolkata, we, at Avlon Shiksha Niketan, shoulder the responsibility of producing job-ready, highly skilled, and efficient aviation professionals who not only have strong theoretical knowledge but also hold highly valuable practical experiences.

Our focus has always been on offering the aspirants industry-centric and job-specific training, which helps them enter the aviation industry well prepared. So, if you are interested in pursuing a career in aviation, turn your attention to Avlon Shiksha Niketan and secure a seat immediately.

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